The Centre welcomes new visiting scholar and two post-doctoral fellows

This term the Centre welcomes the newest Chinese Studies as a Major Area grant-funded visiting scholar, Professor Ma Jun of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. A historian of modern China specialising in Republican era Shanghai social and cultural history, Professor Ma will be working on a major historiography-bibliographic project here and giving several talks. 

The Centre also welcomes two new post-doctoral fellows, Dr. Igor Iwo Chabrowski (PhD EUI), a historian working on the social institution of opera in Sichuan, and Dr. Aurore Dumont (PhD EPHE), an anthropologist specialising in Tungusic societies. Dr. Chabrowski and Dr. Dumont have joined us as part of the Vice Chancellor’s One-off Discretionary Fund-supported Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society in the 20th century Initiative that is being pursued in collaboration with the CUHK-SYSU Centre for Historical Anthropology and Oxford University.