Carole Hang-fung HOYAN

Professor/ Interim Director/ Graduate Division Head of Chinese Studies

PhD, Asian Studies, University of British Columbia

Room 1102A, 11/F

3943 1332

Professor Carole HOYAN is Professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her B.A. (Hons. First Class) and M.Phil. in Chinese Language and Literature from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She subsequently pursued her Ph.D. studies in Canada with the support of the Commonwealth Fellowship and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Overseas Studies (honorary). She received her PhD degree in Asian Studies from the University of British Columbia and started teaching at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1996. She was appointed Interim Director of Centre for China Studies in August 2023. She is also serving as Director of the Yale-China Chinese Language Learning Centre (CLC) currently. Before that, she was Acting Chairman and Vice Chairperson (Student Affairs) of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. She was also Acting Head of the Chinese Division of the Graduate School and Director of MA Program in the Division.


“I am honored to have the chance to serve as interim Director of the Centre for China Studies. As a scholar of Asian Studies specializing in modern Chinese literature, my academic studies and practices are founded on an ongoing inquiry into the place of literature in an ever-changing world, especially how it interacts with other disciplines. For this reason, my research—and, by extension, my teaching and services—are guided by a trans-regional perspective and an interdisciplinary vision.


I strongly believe that the research, teaching and promotion of literature not only advance our knowledge of literary works and tradition, but also help us to improve our understanding of—and hence our interactions with others in—an increasingly diverse world, thereby enabling us to become more compassionate and humanistic members of society.” ——Carole HOYAN


Research Interests

  • Eileen Chang studies
  • world literature and transcultural studies
  • modern and contemporary Chinese fiction and drama
  • Hong Kong literature
  • Cantonese pronunciation and learning

Representative Publications

Books and Edited Volumes




陳雄根、何杏楓、張錦少:《追本窮源:粵語詞彙趣談》 (插圖本‧修訂版)。香港:三聯(香港)有限公司,2006年4月第1版,2022年5月香港修訂版,共221頁。








何志華、華瑋、張健、何杏楓、沈培、鄧思穎、陳煒舜編:《稽古考今:香港中文大學中國語言及文學系文學碩士論文集》。香港:香港中文大學,2015年, 共301頁。










何杏楓、張詠梅編:《「劉以鬯主編《香港時報.淺水灣》(1960.2.15-1962.6.30)時期研究」資料冊》。香港:香港中文大學中國語言及文學系「 劉以鬯主編《香港時報.淺水灣》(1960年2月15日至1962年6月30日)時期研究計劃」出版,2004年1月,共289頁。





Journal Articles & Book Chapters


Hoyan, Carole Hang-fung and Yijiao Guo. “The Reception of Yan Lianke in Hong Kong.” In Riccardo Moratto and Howard Y. F. Choy ed. The Routledge Companion to Yan Lianke (New York: Routledge, 2022), pp. 489-505.


何杏楓:〈童話.夢話.真話:論巴金〈長生塔〉對愛羅先珂的接受〉[Fable, Somniloquy, Truth: On the Reception of Eroshenko by Ba Jin’s Immortality Pagoda], Journal of University of Jinan (Social Sciences Edition) (《濟南大學學報》(社會科學版)) (CSSCI), vol. 29, no. 5 (2019): 36-46. Article: 1671-3842(2019)05-0036-11, DOI:


Hoyan, Carole Hang-fung. “‘Include Me Out’: Reading Eileen Chang as a World Literature Author.” Ex-position (NTU Studies in Language and Literature) [Feature Topic: Non-worldly Literature] (THCI 1) (Taipei: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University), issue 41 (June 2019): 7-32. DOI: 10.6153/EXP.201906_(41).0002.


Chu, Pun Tung, Wing Tung Au & Carole Hang Fung Hoyan, “Effect of alcohol-related poems on drinking,” Cogent Psychology (H-Index 14) (United Kingdom: Cogent OA, Taylor & Francis/Routledge) vol. 6, no. 1 (March 2019). DOI: 10.1080/23311908.2019.1586079.


Chan, MeiKi, Wing Tung Au & Carole Hang Fung Hoyan, “Exploring Theater Experiences among Hong Kong Audiences,” Cogent Arts & Humanities (H-Index 7) (United Kingdom: Cogent OA, Taylor & Francis/Routledge), vol. 6, issue 1 (March 2019), DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2019.1588689.


何杏楓:〈愛情與歷史:論張愛玲的《少帥》〉[Love and History: On Eileen Chang’s Young Marshall], 《中國文學學報》 [Journal of Chinese Literature], no. 8 (2017.12): 307-348. URL: Collected in 《千迴萬轉:張愛玲學重探》[Anfractuosity: Re-investigating Eileen Chang Studies], ed. Lim Chin-chown (Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 2018), pp. 307-348.


何杏楓、丘庭傑:〈「香港」作為魯迅研究的資源──以舊詩專論及《抖擻》雜誌為例〉[Hong Kong as Resources for Lu Xun Studies: With a Focus on Classical Poetry Monographs and Dousou], 《韓中言語文化研究》[Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China] (Seoul: The Korean Society of Study on Modern China, The Korean Society of Study on Chinese Language and Culture) (KCI), issue 48 (May 2018): 85-105.



2011, 2015

何杏楓:〈張愛玲《色,戒》電影改編在香港的接受情況〉[The Reception in Hong Kong of the Film Adaptation of Eileen Chang’s “Lust, Caution”], 《中國文學學報》[Journal of Chinese Literature], no. 2 (2011.12): 341-355. URL: Collected in《香港:都市想像與文化記憶》[Hong Kong: Imaged City and Cultural Memory], ed. Chen Pingyuan, Leonard Kwok-kou Chan and David Der-wei Wang, Peking University Press, 2015), pp. 263-279.


Yeung, Anthony and Carole Hoyan Hang Fung. “The Soft Power in the Confucian ‘Kingly Way.’” In Fan Ruiping ed. The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China (Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 109-135.


何杏楓:〈文學與媒體的對話:有關張愛玲影視改編的研究〉[Dialogue between Literature and Media: On the Film and TV Adaptations of Eileen Chang], 《現代中國》[Studies of Modern China] (Beijing: Peking University Press), vol.11 (September 2008): 188-194.


何杏楓:〈歷史創傷與記憶探尋:李碧華《煙花三月》中的文化沉澱〉[History Trauma and Memory Exploration: Cultural Remains in Li Bihua’s The Red String], 《現代中文文學學報》[Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese], 「香港文學的定位、論題及發展」專輯 [Special Issue on “Identity, Issues and Development of Hong Kong Literature”] (Hong Kong: Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University), vol. 8, no. 2 & vol. 9, no. 1 (December 2008): 141-157. URL: Collected in 《騰飛歲月——1949以來的香港文學》[Years of Flying High: Hong Kong Literature since 1949], ed. Yuk-fung Yeung (Hong Kong: School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong), pp. 158-180.


何杏楓:〈華麗緣中的愛玲女神——《樸廉紳士》、《半生緣》和進念舞臺改編探論〉[Goddess Eileen in the Vanity Fair: An Investigation of H. M. Pulham Esquire, Half a Lifetime Love and Zuni Icosahedron’s Eighteen Springs], 《人文中國學報》[Sino-humanitas] (THCI I) (Hong Kong: The Baptist University of Hong Kong and Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House), vol. 13 (September 2007): 175-213. Collected in《張愛玲:文學.電影.舞台》[Eileen Chang: Literature, Film and Theatre], ed. Lim Chin-chown (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 128-161.

2007, 2008

何杏楓:〈記憶.歷史.流言——重讀張愛玲〉[Memory, History, and Gossip: Re-reading Zhang Ailing], 《臺大文史哲學報》(Humanitas Taiwanica) (THCI I) (Taipei: National Taiwan University), issue 66 (May 2007), pp. 53-92. Collected in《墨痕深處:文學.歷史.記憶》[Traces of Ink: Collected Essays of Literature, History and Memory], ed. Sin-piu Fan, Ling-tung Ngai, Nim-yan Wong (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 438-481.


何杏楓:〈「今夜你們唱甚麼歌」——論香港話劇團的《(新)傾城之戀》〉。張秉權、方梓勳編:《香港戲劇學刊》(Hong Kong Drama Review),第4期。香港:香港中文大學出版社、香港中文大學邵逸夫堂香港戲劇工程,2003年,頁237-260。


何杏楓:〈銀燈下,向張愛玲借來的「香港傳奇」——論許鞍華《傾城之戀》的電影改編〉[A Hong Kong Legend Borrowed from Eileen Chang: Ann Hui’s Film Adaptation of Love in a Fallen City]. In 《再讀張愛玲》[Re-reading Eileen Chang] (「閱讀張愛玲書系:之一」 Reading Eileen Chang Series I), ed. Joseph Shiu-ming Lau、Ping-kwan Leung and Zidong Xu (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 99-142.


何杏楓:〈張愛玲研究在北美〉[Eileen Chang Studies in North America], 《華文文學》(Literatures in Chinese) (CSSCI),(Shantou: Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature Research Center, Shantou University), issue 48, no.1 (2002): 23-27.

Current Research Projects

2023, A Study on The Commercial Press and the Aesthetic Education Movement in a Transcultural Context (1897-1940), RGC General Research Fund

2023, 商務印書館與美育運動的跨文化脈絡研究 (1897-1940) RGC General Research Fund

Courses Offered

CHLL1401 Introduction to Literature
CHLL3403 Creative Writing
CHLL3406 Modern Chinese Fiction (Novella and Short Stories)
CHLL3408 Modern Chinese Drama
CHLL4001 Independent Research I
CHLL4002 Independent Research II
CHLL5013 Seminar
CHLL5600 Research Methods and Academic Writing
CHLL6011 Seminar
CHLL6541 Special Topics in Modern Chinese Literature: Eileen Chang Studies
CHLL7010 Seminar
CHLL8100 M.Phil. Thesis Tutorial
CHLL8200 Ph.D. Thesis Tutorial