Course Code
Course Name
China in Global Perspectives
Tue 10:30am - 1:15pm
Prof. Tim Summers
Teaching Assistant
Course Description
This course introduces the historical trajectory and contemporary development of China and its global influence. Through a variety of perspectives, including international relations, economics and culture, this course explores how China is embedded in the rest of the world in the context of globalization. A multidisciplinary approach aims to provide students with a nuanced understanding of China’s rise and its global implications, equipping them with the knowledge necessary for informed discussions of China’s role on the global stage. This Faculty Package course is required for students majoring in Chinese Studies.
Course Outline
1.Introduction (7 Jan.)
Explains the importance of thinking about China in global perspectives, and introduces the structure of the course.
2. China and the global economy (14 Jan.)
Offers an overview of China’s development in an era of globalisation, and the position and role of China in the global economy.
3. Chinese businesses go global (21 Jan.)
Looks at the drivers and trends in Chinese companies operating overseas, including case studies.
No class on 28 Jan. (Chinese New Year holiday)
4. China and the global environment (4 Feb.)
Evaluates China’s impact on the global environment and climate, and the policy responses.
5. China and the global university (11 Feb.)
Outlines the role that China plays in global education and research, including discussion of science and technology.
6. Local field trips – group activities (18 Feb.)
Details to be shared at the start of term.
7. US and Western perspectives (25 Feb.)
Offers a overview of the way that the PRC has been seen in the West, historically and in recent years.
No class on 4 March (reading week)
8. China and the Global South (11 Mar.)
Discusses the growing importance of the Global South, as power and influence shifts, and Chinese responses to this.
9. The Belt and Road and other initiatives (18 Mar.)
Looks at key global initiatives put forward by the PRC and their implications for China as a global power.
10. Global China and the new geopolitics (25 Mar.)
Looks forward to China as a global power in a shifting geopolitical context.
11. Chinese food going global (1 Apr.)
A taste of Chinese food as global cuisine!
12. Student presentations I (8 Apr.)
13. Student presentations II (15 Apr.)
Assessment & Assignments
Quizzes 20%
Project 35%
Presentation 25%
Participation 15%
Attendance 5%
Honesty in Academic Work
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. See for details.